Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Menace Update

With more than five weeks since my last update, I figured I should write something, and give a quick look at this Sunday's upcoming senate meeting. What was supposed to be a blisteringly fast summer took a turn for the worst during the first SLIC meeting about a month ago. It looks like my chairmanship of SLIC will not start until early August. I'm currently faced with the problem of how to start procuring funds for SLIC, since the only money allocated to the committee will be my salary. Although I'm looking forward to getting paid to use my brain, unless I can secure funding from SA directly for what will be an eventful year for SLIC, I'll probably have to use funds from the $3500 chairman stipend.

In other news, the Socialist Student Association has finally gotten our office together, and begun planning for next year. Things are looking good up here in 364/394, and I think we'll be able to accomplish many exciting things. I'm excited to announce that two members of the SSA will be (hopefully) filling RSO seats on SAC, myself, and Hector Santiago. For too long, SAC has been powerless to stop opportunist grant-rolling and deception. If appointed to SAC, I intend to fix these problems for good.

I was also appointed to the President's Commission to enact 36.09(5), which will work over the course of the year to codify student gov's place at UWM. The final product should help strengthen the students and give the SA more clout. I'll keep this updated on progress here.

Finally, I submitted my first piece of legislation to the SA, which is set to vote on it the 25th. I've decided to call this bill, which would set up a formal question and answer session for spectators after senate meetings, the People's Bill. I believe introducing a bill aimed at increasing transparency and activity is a good place to start. More legislation is on the way. I have the first executive committee meeting coming up this Thursday, which will be historic in its democratic and open administration of the senate agenda. Full speed ahead to the 25th!

-Red Menace out.