Saturday, April 24, 2010


After one failed attempt, and a loss of credibility, the SA elections commenced, and after fighting off a write-in campaign from another late senate appointee, I have secured my seat come hell or high water until at least April of 2011. I find myself almost happy that the elections were originally cancelled, for it was during the break between the two that I discovered the plan to take my seat was already under way. I won't know the full vote count until late Monday, but I expect it won't be much. I'm obviously interested in how close I came to defeat.

This election has given me many ideas for how to organize for next year's elections. I have many good ideas for how to mobilize the masses. These will have to be filed deep in my brain until next year, unfortunately. In other SA news, my faith in the students is renewed, for they have struck down the Union Regeneration bill with a 57% showing.

I have been appointed to the "Search and Screen" committee to choose the new dean of students. I look forward to helping the school make this important decision. Looking into the future, I'm getting ready for the first meeting of the Safety Committee, as well as the start of the new term in under two months. I plan on joining the SFC, SAC, the Union Policy Board, and perhaps SORC. We'll see how this goes in June. Now there's only one more senate meeting, and this era of tyrannical conservative dominance in the SA is over. Let the red flag fly!

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting how much of the "conservative tyranny" you actually agree with though Alex. Yes, it's for different reasons, but I think if you'd spend more time understanding everything and less time being divisive, I think you'd see that on 80% of the issues, even sometimes the funding issues, ideology doesn't matter, and there's actually widespread agreement.
