Thursday, November 4, 2010

Late Report on the Eau Clair Trip

Better late than never, and know that I have the time, I suppose I'll fill everyone in on the UC trip to Eau Clair, as well as the non-eventful senate meeting.

The Trip to Eau Clair lasted from Friday to Sunday, and after experiencing the city, I can safely say I never want to set foot in Eau Clair for the rest of my life. Friday night was spent wandering around what passes for "downtown" and although Senators Johnson, Banks, and I had some fun, the overarching theme here is how terribly boring that city is.

As far as actual events at the UC trip, the most interesting was the REPS/UC merger. The presidents and vice presidents of all the UW schools, which make up REPS, decided to join with UC, making one united front. REPS will act as sort of an oversight on UC's actions, as well as set the budget UC operates off of. This change makes the current UC board of directors quick almost irrelevant, as they will cease to exist once the merger goes through. Now that Milwaukee is part of UC, the general consensus it that while there is a board of directors, we deserve representation on it. With that idea in mind, I ran for a seat during a meeting in which UC board vice-chair Dan Posca resigned, due to pressure from the organization about his racist/sexist comments, and general conduct.

The election would have went well, as the only schools in the meeting were Madison and Milwaukee, although since we're not technically current members of UC, we were allowed to put candidates forward, but not to vote for them. Safe to say, I lost that election. Nonetheless, I put up a good fight, and Milwaukee will have a seat on the board by January for sure.

The conference gave me the ability to get to know Max Love, the secretary of UC's board, as well as Sana Khan, also a board member. It was nice to see other progressive and passionate student representatives.

Once I get my hands on the legislation REPS passed, I'll fill the blog in on the new voting policies, and other substantial changes. Senate meetings have been pretty quiet, but with SFC coming up, it won't be long before the tidal wave hits the shore.

-Red Menace out.

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