Monday, August 16, 2010

And if you didn't believe me before...

Well I think now we can all admit it. UWM's Chancellor Santiago is a jerk. By this time, most every campus-active student has heard the news that Santiago has resigned his post as chancellor, apparently to become the CEO of a D.C. based nonprofit organization called The Hispanic College Fund. After serving as chancellor for a shocking six years, (it seems past chancellors haven't stuck around that long) Santiago has left for greener pastures. What really bugs me, and I believe the rest of the campus, is the suddenness of this decision. Although Santiago has publicly been vying for other jobs, no one this side of the SA administration had suspected him to leave now. That is, now that most of his controversial campus developments and business ventures are about to take off. I haven't been a supporter of Santiago's "master plan," I disliked its focus on research over traditional liberal arts, and its general lack of consideration of criticism, but at least in Santiago, our campus had a leader. What kind of man spends years battling for changes to an institution he supposedly loves, then abandons it in its most harrowing hour?

Now UWM is at a crossroads. Whoever is appointed interim-chancellor must oversee the upcoming projects, as well as continue to generate ideas and creative force to keep the campus going. Then we must go through a lengthy search and screen process, which UW Systems President Kevin P. Reilly claims will have ample student involvement. Finally around next summer, we may have a chancellor. All these changes are ultimately bad for UWM, we have lost a charismatic force on campus, and a well known face to donaters. We have lost time and effort, and the SA is left spinning, unsure how to continue with the 36.09(5) implementation plan. Santiago was open to the idea of helping to codify the student government's role on campus, we can only hope the next chancellor is equally understanding of Wisconsin state law.

This day was historic for myself in other ways, as the newly appointed Special Assistant to the President on Public Relations, I wrote the SA's official press release on Santiago's resignation, which I then emailed to pretty much every media outlet available. It was rewarding to work with the SA in a "crisis time" and I believe I performed well.

Aside from these developments, the next senate meeting is coming up on the 22nd, and it's sure to be a big one. I can't blow the surprise just yet, but some important decisions will be taking place, and two pieces of my legislation will be going before the senate. I can't wait for the next update, and I'm sure you all can't either.

Until next time,

-Red Menace out.


  1. What kind of legislation are you passing? Can you give us any more details?

  2. I'm hoping to pass legislation creating a committee to define the SA's purpose, as well as a bill that will standardize the amount of office hours SA officials will have to work, with added incentives/consequences for not working the minimum.

  3. That actually sounds pretty awesome! I am grateful someone there is attempting to pass worthwhile legislation.
