Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rolling on through summer

I'm updating this a bit later than I wanted to, however with the Riverwest24 and the move into my new apartment, I've been quite the busy beaver..err, Panther. The July 25th senate meeting was the quickest I'd ever seen. Things got started right away, and except for a bit of a boring talk by Tom Dake, expediency was the word of the day.

On the agenda was the confirmation of several new committee spots, as well as three legislative bills, and a SAC bylaw change. Everything was packaged and approved, without so much as a peep of disagreement. Well, I actually motioned for an additional senate meeting in December, which failed. Since all of the committee appointments and bills, including The People's Bill, authored by yours truly, were approved unanimously, they don't require a second meeting to confirm. Take that dissenters! I was happy everything passed, but I also wish that most of the senators cared more. The SAC bylaw changes were important, warranting discussion and friendly debate, yet none of the senators made any motions. Perhaps that's summer, not a whole lot of enthusiasm. As per the committee appointments, I am now a member of SAC and SORC, both as RSO membership. I look forward to getting lots of work done on these committees.

After the meeting, in between moving and the bike race, I was hired as a Special Assistant to the Public Relations Department. My task is to help improve the press release process, and streamline publicity affairs. Although I'm just getting started, I already love my job, and I look forward to continuing in a similar direction with my eventual chairmanship of SLIC.

Due to my recent and continued activity with the SA over the summer, I should be updating more frequently. Less than a month to go before the next semester! Oh and Kyle, thanks for the bump, I'll enjoy all the added activity around here, and I happily await more comments and questions.

-Red Menace out.

1 comment:

  1. I was under the impression that debate was a good thing. You seemed to hint that you were disappointed at the lack of debate, but then you chalked it up to it being summer. How about the real reason...everyone on the Senate except a few are close friends of Travis's and don't know what to do beyond what they're told to vote for. And most of those who aren't his mindless friends are being paid by him and feel the pressure to make him proud...people like you.

    I think taking away power from a branch ultimately controlled by one person and putting that power in the branch controlled by 50 separately elected Senators is always a better move. Especially because the last time the President had concentrated power, he blew through over $100,000 in reserve money without anyone besides himself knowing, and the time before that, the President was caught in questionable embezzlement activity with SA funds. But hey, if you can't see the power shift towards the Presidency in those bylaws, and the new standard making the bylaws nearly impossible to change, maybe some day you'll learn. I know you just got to UWM, so you obviously lack the experience to notice certain things.
