Wednesday, October 20, 2010

United Council Decision, Press Release Drama

With 699 votes, and 68% of the total, UWM students decided to once again become part of the United Council of UW Students. In a surprisingly quick transformation of opinion from last year, the referendum was held without any sign of a “Vote NO” campaign. Be it an organizational restructuring improvement, or the free legal aide UC offers to its member campuses, most everyone involved in student politics voiced enthusiasm for once again becoming a member.

I’m satisfied with the result, and seeing how the fee charged to each student for UC membership is so small, and refundable at that, I’m not really surprised the outcome happened the way it did. I look forward to a warm partnership in the future, a partnership I’ll experience this weekend when damn near the entire Student Association heads up to Eau Clair to attend a UC convention.

Keeping the positive train rolling, I have issued a press release, detailing the recent student victories of the last month or so. I will post it here, so that readers may take note. As Public Relations Director, I’m gearing up to start polling students weekly on the state of the Student Association, as well as the campus, and the community. I’m looking forward to getting some feedback to what we as student representatives can do better. As Mao Zedong said, “we must always strive to serve the people,” and I plan on serving the students of UW-Milwaukee for a long, long time.

Whilst spreading my press releases today, I noticed that someone had plastered several double sided sheets of paper over them on the third floor org wing of the Union. A stunt like this brings Senator Campbell to mind, since she has been the only legitimate voice of outcry on the press releases going public. Why a member of the Student Association (of which every student is a member) would object to the posting of a SA press release on student victories on common space baffles me. Along with that, it is also a violation of the new UPB bylaws on posting privileges. Nonetheless, I will continue to post my release, without regard to the laws of man or beast. (which I’m actually not violating in any way.)

I’ll most likely update later on this week or Monday, on the happenings at the UC conference, and of course the Senate meeting this Sunday.

-Red Menace, out

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