Monday, January 31, 2011

UW Green Bay Trip, and the beginning of the Campaign

It has been quite the long weekend. I returned from UW Green Bay last night at 5:00, after being up there for three days for the United Council convention. I ended up getting something like nine hours of sleep throughout the weekend, and returned exhausted, although happy. I was elected to the United Council Board of Directors, which was quite an honor for me. I serve on the board with a number of passionate and powerful Student Government leaders from around the UW System, and I'm excited to be in their company. With board member Sana Khan's transfer to UWM, Milwaukee now has two members on the board. It's nice to have representation, which we surely deserve since we're paying UC $120,000 per year for membership. Immediately after being elected, I introduced my first piece of legislation to the board, which I called the "UW Financial Transparency Act." The bill calls for universal access to the UW Financial "Redbook" which lists UW school's financial expenditures. I believe that financial transparency is necessary, and access to such information should be restricted to just UW System Wi-fi connected computers. The bill will be voted on at the next convention in February.

Although I'm still feeling tired, this week is going to be huge for the campaign. I will begin collecting signatures from UWM students tomorrow, and our goal is to collect 1000 before the March 7th deadline. This week we'll be holding ASAP's first General Strategy Meeting, and I'm excited to get together and pound out campaign ideas, and improve our platform even more. We'll also be working on our website, which is set to launch in a few weeks. I'll keep everyone updated!

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