Monday, September 6, 2010

The Almighty "Rider Bill", SFC, and the fight for tomorrow

And as quickly as it had come, the first Student Association Senate meeting of the fall term was over. After the gavel sounded for the final time yesterday night, the Student Association began to travel down a new path.

As I explained in my last post, yesterday's meeting was important for several different reasons. It saw a new strategic planning committee confirmed, Senate Finance Committee positions elected, and a very special budget bill passed.

The meeting got off to an exciting start, Speaker McCall had to motion to amend the agenda to allow the SFC elections, and afterwards I had to further amend in order to add the last minute "Budget Adjustment Bill." While money did need to be transferred for the upcoming Constitution Day here at UWM, the end of the bill held a surprise, a referendum on UWM joining the United Council of UW Students. UC is a state wide, student-run lobbying group, as well as a type of state student government. It is funded by about $2.00 per student per semester in refundable fees. In 2008, after UC underwent some restructuring, UWM held a referendum, in which the majority of students decided they wanted UWM to opt out of UC membership. Currently, every UW school with the exception of Milwaukee and four others are members of UC.

Attempts have been made during last year's administration to hold a referendum, but legislation could not pass by the Senate. I have always respected UC's mission of student lobbying, and supported UWM's membership. Although UC already offers UWM some of its services, without membership, it's hard to find representation in the leadership. Becoming part of UC would give UWM students access to many benefits, and allow UWM students to take part in forming UC policy.

Student Association referendums can only be held during a time in which a campus-wide ballot is circulated, that means only in April, during the regular SA elections, and in September, during the freshman elections. We needed the Senate to allow the referendum, but during the usual legislative process, this would take two meetings, unless unanimously approved. (Impossible with Senator Walker threatening to filibuster everything the SA does unless this blog goes inactive.) Luckily, I suggested attaching the UC legislation onto a budget bill, which by the SA bylaws takes only one meeting, and a 2/3 vote to pass. The bill passed, and now we are looking forward to the results of the referendum. I sincerely hope we will be members of United Council by the end of October.

Later on, the Senate broke up into groups based on their school, in order to choose their SFC delegates. Myself and Senator Barth were chosen by the At-Large caucus. I cannot wait to start working on SFC. For too long the committee has been pumping money into sick and wasteful departments and programs like athletics. I believe this year the committee should carefully scrutinize every program, and cut the wasteful and irresponsible spending.

Afterwards, SORC Chair Barth requested an additional 14 days for the investigation from the senate, which was approved after my motion. Senator Krause did not seem pleased. We hope to meet within the next 72 hours. I will most likely not be able to report on what happened during the meeting, as it will be during closed session. I will write as much as I ethically can, however, and I would advise interested parties to look for updates to the investigation in the UWM Post.

On another note, I have noticed an absence from the man over at PantherTalk Live. Through the Chancellor resigning, to the Krause investigation, and now the UC referendum, the blog has remained silent. I suppose this proves what most of us already knew, that Duerstein's blog never attempted to cover real campus news, only a mixture of half-truths, mistakes, and lies.

The current "opposition" is similar, in that it doesn't attempt to unite around any specific, legitimate concern, only hatred for the present, and fear of the future. Student Association members like Senator Walker publicly threaten to hold up meetings and filibuster, and then time after time, go absent from the Senate meetings. I pity the students misrepresented by these people.

In the next week I will be heading up to Madison for the UC event with Senator Johnson, which I look forward to, and I also will be working on some new legislation concerning Greek Life, and library policy. The SA Corn Roast is coming up quick, and so is PantherFest. See you all soon!

-Red Menace out.

1 comment:

  1. So Alex, I have a question for you. Where is your or SA's comment on the naming of Dean Lovell as Interim Chancellor? Where is your or SA's press release or blog posting about the new Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs that Travis picked? I guess this goes to show what most of us already knew, that you don't have any thoughts of your own, and you only do something when directed to, and since Travis didn't tell you to, you haven't commented on any of that stuff. I thought you were an independent person, independent thinker? I guess a few hundred bucks a month takes care of that facade huh?
