Monday, September 27, 2010

The Press Release

*This is the official SA Press Release on the senate meeting of Sept. 26th. I am reposting it here, so as to help my readers understand what happened.*

Solo Student Association Senator denies Organization Renewal Extension

MIWAUKEE, WI; September 27th, 2010: A single member of the Student Association Senate blocked the passage of the “Campus Life Act,” legislation aimed at extending the deadline for the Student Activities Office’s controversial new org renewal program. The new process, which was put into effect with no formal student consent or review, requires student organizations to navigate a lengthy online process, submit paperwork and documentation of officers, and attend mandatory org renewal trainings. Student organizations not renewed stand to lose their status as a registered organization by the University, causing them to lose funds, office space, and supplies that they have been allocated.
During the vote on the “Campus Life Act,“ Letters and Science Senator Anahit Campbell voiced the lone objection to the bill. When pressed for her reasons, she questioned why SA officials had not first spoken to SAO with their complaints. Student Association President Travis Romero-Boeck assured the senate that he had been in contact with SAO numerous times, and had been unable to work out a compromise. Due to the Student Association’s bylaws, non-budgetary legislation passed without unanimous consent must wait two meetings to take effect. By the next senate meeting, the detrimental effects the renewal process will have already taken their course. After a budgetary amendment was added to the bill, and the approval vote was commencing, Senator Campbell walked off the Senate floor and waited to hear that quorum wasn’t reached before leaving.
The Student Association considers student organizations critical to the wellbeing of campus life, and denounces Senator Campbell’s brazen disregard for the opinions of her constituents, and the campus community at large. “It is our responsibility as student representatives to support organizations on campus,” stated fellow senator Moondancer Drake, “I can’t understand how anyone could feel differently.” Due to the lack of quorum created by Campbell’s absence, over twenty student committee posts were left unapproved, leaving many committees without representation until the next senate meeting, later in October. Student Association officials are seeking alternate methods to allow student organizations time to renew in a student-friendly manner. “Student organizations are at the heart of the UWM campus community. I truly believe it is the duty of the Student Association to ensure that the interests of student organizations are represented,” stated Romero-Boeck.
The UWM Student Association is the student’s voice that seeks out new and innovative ways to prompt positive change on campus and in the community. The Student Association creates a trustworthy and transparent relationship with all of the student body. For more information on the Student Association please visit or contact Alex Kostal at 414.229.4366.

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